Steam Header
The steam distribution header is a manifold where steam from a single or multiple boiler are collected and distributed to different utilization sections, blocks or equipment. Isolation valves are provided on inlet line as well as the outlet lines.
The objectives of a steam header are:
- To facilitate isolation of any Boiler or any user plant from a single location, i.e. in the Boiler house or at the battery limits of the blocks / sections.
- If the Plant has expansion plans involving addition of a boiler and or user plant to the existing set up, the steam distribution header can be suitably designed to conveniently execute the expansion plans. For this spare capacity, spare nozzles have to be provided within existing Header. This enables the plant to build in modularity in the distribution network for ease of future additions.
- The Header acts as buffer to cope up with fluctuations in the Steam demand of the Process at steady pressure.